
Showing posts from February 10, 2019

209 aC

Any 209 aC Anys: 212 aC 211 aC 210 aC - 209 aC - 208 aC 207 aC 206 aC Dècades: 230 aC 220 aC 210 aC - 200 aC - 190 aC 180 aC 170 aC Segles: segle  iv  aC - segle  iii  aC - segle  ii  aC Calendari d'esdeveniments Contingut 1 Esdeveniments 1.1 República Romana 1.2 Imperi selèucida 1.3 Grècia 1.4 Mongòlia Esdeveniments República Romana La República romana, sota Quint Fabi Màxim Berrugós captura Tàrent, que el general de l'imperi cartaginès Anníbal Barca havia tingut en el seu poder durant tres anys. La Batalla d'Asculum es lliura entre l'exèrcit cartaginès Anníbal i una força romana dirigida per Marc Claudi Marcel. La batalla dóna un resultat indecís. Des del seu quarter general a Tarraco (Tarragona), Publi Corneli Escipió Africà Major, el comandant romà a Hispània, llança un assalt combinat a la ciutat cartaginesa de Carthago Nova i captura la ciutat. Després de la captura d'aquesta ciuta...

Anime with a boy hiring a creature from a stone, meets a man named Dante and starts a journey to collect...

4 I am from India, this anime or animated series (I can't remember this was made by the Japan or other countries) was aired between 2009 and 2012 probably in Jetix/Disney XD (but I'm not sure). This anime starts with a boy (the main character, I forgot his name) who find a stone (or crystal like thing) in his dad's property, his dad was missing that time. Some day he accidentally hire a creature/monster from that stone. Other day some creature attack him and he was saved by his creature and the story begins. In his journey to solve the mystery he meets a middle aged man 'Dante' (probably that was the name; this is the only character name I can remember). He had also some stone. After that they meet with one girl and a women (one of the girls is same age with the main boy character and probab...