Here are some isomorphic graphs and their corresponding adjacency matrices. I can draw the graphs with tikz. But I'm not sure the best way to draw the matrices. Is it possible to generate one from the other? What's the right way to approach it? Here's an example of the code to generate a graph: documentclass{standalone} usepackage{tikz} begin{document} begin{tikzpicture} tikzset{Bullet/.style={circle,draw,fill=black,scale=0.75}} node[Bullet,label=left :{$e_1$}] (E1) at (0,2) {} ; node[Bullet,label=above:{$e_2$}] (E2) at (1,3) {} ; node[Bullet,label=right:{$e_3$}] (E3) at (2,2) {} ; node[Bullet,label=right:{$e_4$}] (E4) at (2,0) {} ; node[Bullet,label=left :{$e_5$}] (E5) at (0,0) {} ; draw[thick] (E1)--(E2)--(E3)--(E4)--(E5)--(E1) {} ; end{tikzpicture} end{document}