Samuel Pierpont Langley

Infotaula de personaSamuel Pierpont Langley

Samuel Pierpont Langley.jpg
22 agost 1834
27 febrer 1906 (71 anys)
Grup ètnic
The English High School Tradueix
Boston High School Tradueix
Camp de treball
Astrònom, enginyer aeronàutic, astrofísic, físic, enginyer, inventor i enginyer aeroespacial
Universitat Harvard
University of Pittsburgh
Observatori d'Allegheny
Acadèmia Naval dels Estats Units
Smithsonian Institution

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Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834-1906) va ser un astrònom, inventor del bolòmetre i un pioner de l'aviació estatunidenc.

El 1867, va esdevenir director de l'observatori Allegheny i professor d'astronomia la Western University of Pennsylvania.[1]


  • 1 Aviació

  • 2 Llegat

  • 3 Referències

    • 3.1 Notes

    • 3.2 Bibliografia

  • 4 Enllaços externs


Aërodrome No. 5 en vol,6 de maig de 1896. Foto per Alexander Graham Bell

Langley intentà fer aparells d'aviació més pesants que l'aire. Els seus models volaren però els seus dos intents de volar pilotats fracassaren.


  • Langley Gold Medal per la Smithsonian Institution[2]

  • NASA Langley Research Center (NASA LaRC), Hampton, Virginia[3]

  • Langley Air Force Base

  • Langley Hall at the University of Pittsburgh

  • Langley High School in Pittsburgh

  • Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory

  • Langley unit of solar radiation

  • Mount Langley in the Sierra Nevada

  • Plantilla:USS

  • Plantilla:USS, laid down 10 July 1942 and renamed Hammann on 1 August 1942

  • Plantilla:USS

  • Seadrome Langley, intended as one in a chain of Atlantic aviation way-stations, cancelled due to the Depression

  • Plantilla:SS, U.S. Liberty Ship

  • Samuel P. Langley Elementary School in Washington, DC.



  1. American Antiquarian Society Members Directory

  2. «Awards and Medals». Smithsonian Institution. [Consulta: 14 març 2012].

  3. Tennant, Diane «What's in a name? NASA Langley Research Center». The Virginian-Pilot, 05-09-2011 [Consulta: 5 setembre 2011].


  • A Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane, 1875-1905, by Dr. Tom D. Crouch, W. W. Norton, 1981

  • Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age, from Antiquity through the First World War, by Dr. Richard P. Hallion, Oxford University Press, 2003

  • Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers, by Fred Howard, Dover, 1987

  • A Heritage of Wings, An Illustrated History of Naval Aviation, by Richard C. Knott, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 1997

  • Winged Shield, Winged Sword: 1907-1950: A History of the United States Air Force, by Bernard C. Nalty, University Press of the Pacific, 2003

  • Aviation, The Pioneer Years, edited by Ben Mackworth-Praed, Studio Editions, Ltd., London, 1990

  • To Conquer The Air—The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight, by James Tobin, Free Press, division of Simon & Schuster, 2003

  • "Vita ed opere dell'astronomo e costruttore aeronautico Samuel Pierpont Langley", by Giuseppe Ciampaglia. Rivista Storica; Gennaio 1996.

  • Selling the True Time: nineteenth-century timekeeping in America, by Ian R. Bartky, Stanford University Press, 2000

Enllaços externs

A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Samuel Pierpont Langley Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata

  • Finding Aid to Samuel P. Langley's Papers at the Smithsonian Institution Archives

  • Finding Aid to the Samuel P. Langley Collection at the National Air and Space Museum Archives Division

  • Samuel Pierpont Langley, Flying Machines

  • Samuel Pierpont Langley, Invention of the Airplane

  • Centennial of Flight

  • Allegheny Observatory – "UNDAUNTED: The Forgotten Giants of the Allegheny Observatory?"

  • National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir

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